#Israel(יִשְׂרָאֵל) 恐攻戰爭過一個月ah,#Kibbutz(*註) 觀點台譯文做頭

2024.02 新討論,台文譯文 ēkha 請看:
No killing is good so I support peace, although its final phase (*1) was started like 1948 since the Arab league(foreign powers, no Pla independent) refused the peaceful partition which UN made between powers, so did they refuse to keep the old cities with history for them then chose the road of terror and war officially… and they lost. So the current Pl government is a dictatorship without a just election for 15 years after they won the brutal civil war between the terror arm groups and the running party launched the most suicidal bombs attacks towards the civilians so no wonder… *1: Before that was like the ideal pre-Isralian formed a union and bought the shitty lands from the locals during the time of Ottoman empire to build the national socialist paradise like Kibbutz, the local people launched attacks on them and they fought back, they terror attacked the later power — British government for more rights of the immigrants…

I mean, I had been to Melbourne, NY, Stockholem, København in my past few months by staying inside the home of the locals, and yes, I had seen the chanting for PL in all of these cities but as long as they support the banner (the flag) of this dictatorship government, there will be no peace and they are being use to promote more wars, unless that is what they want. I joined one of the chanting for PL as an observer in København Denmark, under the trust of the local activist who standing for animal rights (Vegan), peace, climate(to change it), and they did it between the Metro/subway stations, on the vehicle(the train?) So I can tell what they were doing was pretty millitary with all of the rituals… I asked one of the artist farm which promote the peace between PL and Israel in Israel (I was planning to go) but I couldn’t get a further answer on it. It’s the best for both civilians to reach an agreement for peace and ditch the banners of the powers then actually do something for peace, and not until then, there will only be more killings… and yes the peaceful group for change in PL had been suppressed with gunfire like years ago since 2017. Gaza, My Lost Home There are no sides in this war. There is only mourning. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/gaza-my-lost-home

Gaza, My Lost Home

Sorry it is like 3:47am here

I was asleep or just glanced at your message but didn’t reply because I wanted to read it more closely and give a more complete answer when I was more alert

Firstly, it was a very bad idea to create an ethnostate named Israel in the first place, by dispossessing the former occupants of their land. This decision was made largely by dominant imperialist powers, imposed even against the wishes of many Jews at the time. But that is now ancient history, there have now been a few generations of Jews living under this state named Israel and to “destroy Israel” would mean mass suffering to them, just as mass suffering has been visited upon Palestinians for generations. The solution must be to stop suffering from happening, not just make it more equal on both sides.

Secondly, as alluded to in the previous message, this state of Israel was created by imperialist powers, under a global system called capitalism. This system now carves the world up into territories with walls and borders and armed guards, where the people in each territory must stay, because it’s expensive, inconvenient, or impossible to move, but where a special global elite class of people have the resources to jet set around from state to state, playing each country off against one another using threats of “taking away jobs” or “not investing in that country” in order to continually secure advantages for themselves from governments, against the immense majority of the world’s people, often leading to crises and wars.

As long as there are separate states, that is — as long as we are living in this system called capitalism imperialism — the explosion of competing economic interests into wars is inevitable, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is just another such war, albeit with unique circumstances and unique ways of coming into being. This is the way all modern wars are — they now start with the cause of capitalism producing division of the world’s people according to various categories of social inequality, and proceeding through a thousand pores, they inexorably lead to armed conflict through whatever means cause and effect affords them. The solution must be for the world’s people to get together and develop a scientific society based on species survival, social equality, and collective prosperity, in which division of the world’s people becomes impossible because every person is afforded to travel all around the surface of the planet. OUR planet.

I am for neither a Palestinian state nor an Israeli state. I am certainly not for ethnostates, in which one type of ethnicity/religion has legally-enforced advantages over other types of people, such as is the status quo in Israel. I am for NO separate states at all, I am for one global community, and that is what I believe GCDO should be for, and I believe both science (cause and effect) and a careful examination of history back up this viewpoint.

Yes I know RBE and agree with GCDO… ok I got you, the thing that real matter but before that are the pain and cruelty we have to take or witness… (I was saying that I support peace~

I am broadly supportive of RBE, I just have more specific ideas about how to make it happen than Zeitgeist Movement or Venus Project

And Moving Forward is a great documentary I would recommend to anyone

(I first heard about Captain crunchy from the show of Blue man during my stay in NY like months ago

Blue Man Group I forgot about them…


有聲版 + 思考...

#Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל-i-sii-la-elio*) 恐攻戰爭過一個月 — ah。 用一篇 #Kibbutz(*註1) 五日前觀點講按怎 tio̍h 恐攻 ê 譯文做頭,戰爭前幾ā月日我有想講愛去有研究 beh 參加 in 志工計劃有關心 — leh,ah 今仔日撥工 #台譯 咱做伙來讀,卡òaⁿ 做 #台配,參考:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCdmT4Umw10xQKT7YNKmFrZ4ZOk686E4_

*sii:這 ii 參考客文書寫,代表親像英語等語言s齒氣音,外文 tio̍h 原文 + 月框 () 註解羅馬字倚音。

*註1:Kibbutz (khi-pu-chii) 意,做伙,譯:相kēng庄,這是一款公司員工攏 tòa 做伙 ê 庄仔頭,農牧業為主 ia̍h 有科技化人員工場,世界特別 ê 生產單位,Israel 建國前後 ê 經濟/教育/軍事動員自衛基礎,特別是一間公司利路人人福利薪水攏做伙分 ánne ah 有委員會民主機制決定莊仔頭 ê 發展建設,尾仔 tio̍h 社會經濟型態改變人無愛集體做伙分 — ah、選舉換人政府無補助有 leh thē、te̍h(落衰),有 — ê tio̍h 公司資產分分 — leh 轉私有化,總 — sī in 國際志工計劃到今已經50年卡久長 — ah 全世界攏有當初過去做志工幾月日到幾ā年 35萬超過 ê 少年家青年 tī — leh。


朋友 — ah,

我想咱攏知影阮國 leh 2023年10月7號這工 tio̍h 控制Gaza(ká-chà)條地,兇死恐怖組織 Hamas (Ha-ma-sii) ê 恐攻,in 屠殺阮 leh 西Negev(ngē-ké) ê 無辜國民,ia̍h tio̍h 阮 相kēng庄 各庄 leh 南部 ê 會員、庄民。

彼工拜六阮 leh 做烏歇(#שבת — Sabbath(shē-pá))soah 有千偌位 ê 民眾 tio̍h 慘暴恐攻來死難,人恐怖仔是連紅嬰仔、囡仔、婦仁人、老歲仔 tō 無愛放過,ah 外工來庄 — lih 趁食寄錢顧厝內 — ê mā ánne 去 — ah,in ia̍h 閣綁票239位民眾、外工來做人質,掠去Gaza 藏,講ánne in 恐佈仔頭人 ē 有獎勵 hō͘ in chia — ê 虎仔,看是錢財 ia̍h 公寓間時到攏 in — ê,mā tio̍h ánne 彼工阮國防軍、治安人員 kah chia — ê 恐佈仔 Hamas 相戰死難超過300位去。 各 相kēng庄 ê 徛家、工場、公設 hō͘ in 恐佈仔放火燒 ,ah 手提有法 — ê 財產 mā hō͘ in 土匪搶劫去。

彼工烏歇恐攻後阮各庄安存 — ê 庄民 ia̍h 攏已經安蹛 — ah,阮政府、相kēng庄運動組織 mā 全心 leh kā 受難民 安hu,望 in 通 ùi 艱苦、驚惶、創傷 — lih 復原。

這改 Hamas恐佈仔 beh 消滅阮肉身存在所做 — ê 慘暴是世界看 kah 明明明,ia̍hsī 世界 人 m̄bat 看過 — ê 恐攻上慘死難,各國頭人 ia̍h tio̍h ánne 來 kā 阮 相thīn 去 kah 兇死 ê 恐佈仔相拚,阮 kuiê 社會 sī 攏動員來支持軍事、情報消息 ê 作戰,mā tio̍h ài 做伙來療養 tio̍h 屠殺 ê 孔碎,ah 實在是,人西Negev — ê 相kēng庄 原底圓滿愛和平無tè講 soah ia̍htio̍h 這改恐攻受害上深。

Tio̍h ánne,邀請咱做伙迷頁寫講咱 ê 心情感受,分享咱 ê 記持,kā 咱講 lí kah 受難者 ia̍hsī 咱 chia tio̍h難 相kēng庄 ê 故事,當然 mā kā 世界講發生 leh 阮 chia ê 酷刑屠殺來替阮鬥相仝、討公道,當然,阮足強,阮 ē 再起,阮 tio̍h 滅盡 hia beh lián 阮國 haⁿh chhau(剿)家 ê 奸惡兇勢。

望平安順興 tio̍h 緊來,咱 相kēng庄志工專案團隊(KPC):
Keren, Mor, Shelley & Nava

Goân源:Kibbutz Volunteers (11/2) https://www.facebook.com/kibbutzvol/posts/pfbid02Fnf82LTbknGagWyMiY5k4pmtL9SA36L79uyVBkiPK4T8cEbPLTfHBkeadTsYZL8xl



這路議題若愛講,愛 ùi 1947 Arab 聯軍(各外國勢力)講起,in 無愛 hō͘ Palestein 獨立(人當時無講愛獨立有影,地Egypt、Jordan等分去,正式講是1988年),in ia̍h 無愛接受UN ê 和平分地計畫,顛倒「正式」恐怖戰爭開頭銃 leh 街仔路強姦刣平民、攻擊公共交通BUS、車隊刣死人(ah 這分地計劃英國 la̍k 權 — mah,舊城市親像 Gaza 攏 Arab in — ê 無動 — tio̍h,新城市 tio̍h 草木無 siáⁿ 生 hō͘ Israel,當然上早 Ottoman帝國時期人Israel組織先民 tio̍h 來買人無愛 — ê 爛地起 Kibbutz,尾仔有各種交換組織民兵助戰等贏 tio̍h 英國 ê 支持,ah 英國後來戰前各方考慮正式禁止 Israel人 閣過去,in 部份衝組 — ê ia̍h 有 kā 英國財產軍警恐怖攻擊攏有死傷)

Israel 為和平、生存 ê 困境。

若愛講 in 人 ê 想法,這片 in Hamas恐佈仔 in 頭人後生講 kah 真清楚:
"Lín 根本 siáⁿmi̍h 攏 m̄chai koh tì hia 講!"

Gaza, My Lost Home There are no sides in this war. There is only mourning.

Palesteine海外僑民寫這篇講伊老父在生時 ê 願望(和平兩國)已經無可能 — ah,有另外看一篇講這戰爭 ê 無辜死傷 ê 療養需要百年,一直到 hia 親身經歷 — ê、in 親成、友人、序細攏過身去...

簡單針對各種無影宣傳來póe會,當然我同意實際咱外人siáⁿmi̍h 攏m̄知,需要一項一項去了解:https://twitter.com/HilzFuld/status/1722585848376406042
原本 leh Gaza 看 Hamas 害人唯一出來抗議 — ê 尾仔流亡去,影片內別為平民是講 in Hamas ê 現實:https://youtu.be/KWk7HL0w8CY?si=BkMiImkZI4cCZ2kD
街仔路 — ê gōng人訪問 "Is Hamas or?"講恐怖仔 ê 意識形態:https://twitter.com/MichalSabra/status/1722605450108018881

Israel若無戰贏有影非民主獨裁反人權政權影響力擴大了然,最後今仔日生這Hamas出來,上早Hamas做社會公益背後有外國勢力贊助經費有名聲,尾仔 tio̍h 人肉炸彈各種刣人、綁票到Gaza ah 閣來關鍵是 in 各恐怖組織 ê 內戰 tio̍h 戰贏(Hamas自殺炸彈人數上chē 加10幾% 有影 mā 無意外) 選舉講 ánne 來選贏十幾年 leh la̍k 權武備,Palestein人無去向當初 1947 Arab外國勢力討公道顛倒戰 Israel 實在無道理,今繼續恐怖攻擊民眾無後悔閣卡害,手榴彈 khian 平民一堆 kheh 無路走 — ê 防空壕,一位走出來隨銃殺,最後有法行 — ê 無死攏做人質(其中一例 niâ neh,放火活活燒割頭破腹銃殺免講),這款 ē 用人肉炸彈做武器 — ê 意識形態 kám 有法度相信?一定愛失敗 hông 罵 — ê — lah,當然講 kah chia,武裝抗爭對平民是上大禁忌,咱台人有組織對日中殖民軍警來攻擊 ia̍hsī 有歷史 — lah,當然有民主 tio̍h 無應該閣犧牲去衝突,欠軍隊起軍隊欠錢趁錢欠學校起學校,殖民政權愛顧各方,若無實力 ián 袂倒,若受迫 tio̍h 愛反抗,民間人愛做siàⁿ愛靠 kākī — lah。

朋友去野營 oat 路無仝,大人囡仔攏恐怖仔刣死:https://youtu.be/15_1D860Frg?si=gjCDnCCLEQlEEfFe
受害大部份平民無武器,這有自衛意識工程師 kah in 朋友凡勢有報名組織 siáⁿ 政府單位平時訓練有武器,3人戰數十位恐怖仔,有軍人放假無幾人接著消息 ia̍h 過去拚救人(平民武器銃藥管制 kah 有嚴,當然相比roC這獨裁殖民政權架構是上嚴):https://youtu.be/ddEw8lY4IPs?si=S9HjKCYpJtKlIieh
伊情伴為著救伊犧牲去,伊 kah 伊 ê 屍體做伙幾ā點鐘等兵仔到位:https://youtu.be/_zXT-jtNnO4?si=HKVv7W676Eh0sCDO
歷史有參考這本,台文譯《允阮 ê 地》,台灣今tio̍h中譯本《我的應許地》:https://www.amazon.com/My-Promised-Land-Triumph-Tragedy/dp/0385521707



Tâigí TWese Formosan Diplomat 台文外交龜 (Ku~ê)
Tâigí TWese Formosan Diplomat 台文外交龜 (Ku~ê)

Written by Tâigí TWese Formosan Diplomat 台文外交龜 (Ku~ê)

To bridge the differences and trust, Formosan Taioanese Lán News. 《國家語言發展法》台灣國民各族語 sī 國語,講寫台文! ▣ Contact & Open to talk and help:myppt.cc/IThmDm

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